The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service XSD.
AddressCheckRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
AddressListReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AddressListReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AddressListReportUpdateActivityLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AddressRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
AdvertisersReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AdvertisersReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AllowEbayListingDownloadToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AprFullRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
APRWithoutCatalogEntryReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
APRWithoutCatalogEntryReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
APRWithoutPricesReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
APRWithoutPricesReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AssignProductCategoryImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AuctionListRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AwsSqsApiCallBatchMessage | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AwsSqsApiCallMessage | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AwsSqsChargeIndividualSubscriptionMessage | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AwsSqsCustomerCdnSyncMessage | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AwsSqsKlaviyoUpdateSubscriberStatus | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
AwsSqsRavenSyncCatalogMessage | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BackgroundJobLogDetailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BackgroundJobLogQueueUpdateCountsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BackgroundJobLogReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BackgroundJobLogUpdateCountsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookChapterExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookChapterGenerateJsonRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookChapterImportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BankNoteBookChapterRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookChapterViewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookGetChapterCountRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookProcessLocalImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BankNoteBookStoreImagesLocallyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BettyPmHomeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BettySpecificSnapshotDateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogApprovalToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogAuthorsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogBulkEditAuthorRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogBulkEditCategoryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogBulkEditPubTagsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogCloneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogCommentApprovalToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogCommentBulkApprove | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogCommentRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogCommentUndeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogFiltersRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogMcRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogPermalinkRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogRelatedPostsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
BlogRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BlogViewsUpdateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BnbBlogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BnbChapterReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BnbChapterReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
BnbChapterReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogCountriesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogCountsReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogCountsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogCountsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogGroupRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CatalogSeriesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CategoriesGetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CategoryHideRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CategoryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CategoryUnHideRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CategoryUpdateCountsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CategoryUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CcTransactionLogReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CdnCountryMasterRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CdnUserApiUsageReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CdnUserCloneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CdnUserLoginRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CdnUserRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CdnxEntryDataEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CdnxIdInUseRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CdnxUserExport | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ChargeIndividualSubscriptionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ChargeIndividualSubscriptionV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ChargeRecurringSubscriptionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CheckoutBlacklistRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ClearOldLogData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CmsPageApprovalToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CmsPageCloneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CmsPageMcRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CmsPagePermalinkExistRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CmsPagePermalinkRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CmsPageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CmsPageRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CmsPageViewsUpdateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CognitoSendChangeAttributeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CognitoSendChangePasswordRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CognitoSendConfirmCodeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CognitoSendDeleteUserRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CognitoSendSignUpRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CollectibleCollectionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CommodityReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CommodityReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ConsumeCdnxAuthTokenRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ConvertBlogToNewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ConvertCalendarEventToEvent | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ConvertRecurringSubsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ConvertSubsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CpgPricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CreatePdfIssuesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CreatePdfSampleRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CreatePdfSamplesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CreateRavenBlogIndexesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CreateRavenCatalogIndexesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CreateRavenIndexesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CreditCardRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CreditCardTransactionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerAddFromBettyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerAdvertiserToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerAllowPublicApiToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerApiUsageReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerAutoCompleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerCatalogFavoriteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerCdnxApprovedToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerCdnxSyncRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerChangePasswordRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerCheckEmailUniqueRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerCheckoutDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerContactLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerDealerToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerDoNotMailToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEditDescriptionFromWebRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEditFromBettyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEditFromBettyVerifyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEditFromWebRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEditTwoFactorRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEncryptLoginRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerEncryptLoginRequest2 | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerFeedBackRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerFirstClassToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerFullDeletionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerGetNewRegistrationRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerGetPasswordStrengthRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerGetRecentLoginRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerHomePageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerIsBetaTesterToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerIsBnBDownloadToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerIsCdnxAdminToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerIsVerifiedToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerLinkAvatarRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerLoginLogReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerLoginLogReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerLoginLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerLogsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerMergeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerNotesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerOrganizationAdminToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerOrganizationToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerPartnerToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerPricingItemCountRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerPricingToolFavoritesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerPublicApiCredentialsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerRecentlyViewedEventLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerRecentlyViewedNewsLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerRecentlyViewedPricingLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerRecentlyViewedWebPageLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerRecordDeviceRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerSearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerSetActiveSubsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerShowAuthorAsCompanyToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerShowAuthorImageToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerShowAvatarImageToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerSponsorRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerSubscriptionStatusRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerSubscriptionStatusUpdateCustRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
CustomerUserDeviceRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerUserRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
CustomerWebLoginLookupRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DailyStatusReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DailyStatusReportProductCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DailyStatusReportProductRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DailyStatusReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
DailySubscriptionStatisticsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealerDirectoryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealerDirectoryTileFromCustomerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealerFiltersRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealersExceptionReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealersExceptionReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealersReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DealersReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeclinedCcReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeclinedCcReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DecryptValueRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeleteCdnCountryMasterRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeleteCheckoutBlacklistRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeleteCmsPageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeleteGlossaryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeleteNewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
DeleteWebsiteTagsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EbaySearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EbaySellerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EmailInUseRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EncryptValueRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCalendarCancelRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCalendarCloneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventCalendarContactsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCalendarCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCalendarDefinitionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventCalendarDefinitionToggleVisibilityRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventCalendarImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventCalendarLinkedEventRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCalendarRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventCalendarRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCalendarToggleApprovedRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCancelRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCloneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventContactsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCountsReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCountsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCountsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventLinkedEventRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
EventRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
EventToggleApprovedRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ExecuteSqlQueryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ExpirationsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ExpirationsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
FixBlueDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
FixEventCalDates | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateBlogThumbnailsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateBnbCoversRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateCdnSiteMapRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateCdnxAuthTokenRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateCurrFrieMappingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateEventThumbnailsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateInBetweenHotFolderConfigRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GenerateMaintenanceIndexRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GeneratePcgsNgcMappingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCatalogsV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCdnCountryMasterRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCheckoutBlacklistRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCmsPageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCoinDenominationLongPermalinkRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCpgValuesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCustomerProductPdfRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetCustomerReferencePdfRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetDataOtherAllRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetEntriesV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetGlossaryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetGroupsV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetNewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetNodeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetProductsByCategoryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetSeriesV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetSpotPricesRtRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GetWebsiteTagsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GlossaryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
GreenWsSpecificSnapshotExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GreenWsSpecificSnapshotExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GreyWsSpecificSnapshotExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
GreyWsSpecificSnapshotExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ImageGalleryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ImportHeritageDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ImportWPMCustomers | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ImportWPMCustomerSubscriptions | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
InactiveSubscribersReportForMarketingCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
InactiveSubscribersReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
InBetweenFileRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
InBetweenFullBookRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
InBetweenRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
InBetweenXmlV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
IssueDeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
IssueEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
IssueFileUploadRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
IssuenowBackgroundJobsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
IssueZipUploadRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
KlaviyoAddOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoAddOrderV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoAddToCartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoAddToCartV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoAuditCustomerProfileRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoAuditCustomerProfileV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoCheckoutCompleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoCheckoutCompleteV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoCheckoutStartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoCheckoutStartV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoCheckStatusRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoCheckStatusV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoGetIdRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoGetIdV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoGetProfileRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoGetProfileV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoIdentifyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoIdentifyV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoRenewOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoRenewOrderV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoSubscribeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
KlaviyoSubscribeV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
KlaviyoSyncOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoSyncOrderV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUnSubscribeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUnSubscribeV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateFreeTierStatsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateFreeTierStatsV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateProfileCustomFieldRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateProfileCustomFieldV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateProfileCustomPropsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateProfileCustomPropsV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateProfileRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoUpdateProfileV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoViewItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlaviyoViewItemV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
KlayvioSetCustomerSubscriptionPropsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceContactCountChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceContactCountReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceContactCountReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceCountsReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceCountsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceCountsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceCustomerViewItemTrackingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
MarketplaceEmailInquireRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
MarketplaceFacetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceFacetUpdateCountRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceInquireTrackingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
MarketplaceProcessLocalImageListingsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceReferralCountsReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceReferralCountsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceReferralCountsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceStoreImagesLocallyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceSyncAllCountsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MarketplaceViewItemTrackingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
MarketplaceViewSiteTrackingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
MiscSetOrderItemExp | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MiscSetPdfIssues | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
MobileTutorialRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
MobileTutorialUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewRegistrationsReportForMarketingCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewRegistrationsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsApprovalToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsCloneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
NewsCommentApprovalToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsCommentBulkApprove | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
NewsCommentRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
NewsCommentUndeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsCountsReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsCountsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsCountsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsMcRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsPermalinkExistRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsPermalinkRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
NewsRssRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NewsViewsUpdateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
NicknameInUseRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderAddItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
OrderCreateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
OrderDeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderFinalizedItemEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderFinalizeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderFinalizeRequestV2 | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderGetAllByCustomer | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderGetAllBySubscription | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderGetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderHideFromSingleIssueReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemDeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemExtendRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
OrderItemGetLatestRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemGetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemGetSingleIssueRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemIssueNowRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemRenewRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
OrderItemSetAutoRenewRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemSetDoNotMailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemSetFirstClassRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderItemUpdateSubscriptionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrderSetMailedRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrganizationAddRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
OrganizationEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrganizationRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
OrganizationSearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PatchRavenHistoryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PaymentEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PaymentReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PaymentReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PaymentRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PayMethodsGetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PdfAddHyperlinkRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PdfAdRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PdfAdSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PdfAdUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PdfAdUpdateViewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PdfViewerCountRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PhoneRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PmCollectibleEntryDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmCollectiblePricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmEntryDataEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmEntryDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmExportDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmImportDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PmPrevNextRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmPricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PmRecentUpdatesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PopulateCacValuesBySeriesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PopulateCacValuesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataChangeLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataSnapshotRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataSnapshotWeeklyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataUpdateFormulaValuesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataUpdateIntrefFormulasRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataUpdatePreviousRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataUpdateSetsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingDataUpdateSpotFormulasRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingExceptionExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingExceptionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingFixBlueValuesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingIndexRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingItemCountRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PricingLandingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingNodeHasChildrenRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingNodeNoChildrenRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingPageVideoRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingTool100GreatestModernsExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingTool100GreatestUsCoinsExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolAdsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PricingToolAprFullRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolAprRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolAprXmlRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolBlogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolBlueBookExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCatalogEntryDetailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCatalogEntryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCatalogEntrySearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCatalogImageDetailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCatalogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCdnxCacCpgExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCdnxCacCpgExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCheckCustomerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCherryPickExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolChinaWsExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCpgCacExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCpgCacTypeExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCpgCacTypeExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolCpgFilteredExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolDetailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolEntryPricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolExternalExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolFavoritesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PricingToolGenerateExceptionsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGenerateExceptionsV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGreenWsExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGreenWsExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGreyWsExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGreyWsExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGroupLandingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGroupLandingV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGroupsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolGsMasterExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolHomeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolImageGalleryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolIqCdnxExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolIqCdnxExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolLoginRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
PricingToolMasterExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPioneerGoldExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPricingHistoryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPrintSnapshotCacRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPrintSnapshotCpgRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPrintSnapshotGreenRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPrintSnapshotGreyBlueRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolPrintSnapshotRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolRecentUpdatesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolRedBookExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolRedBookExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolRedBookLabelExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolRetailPricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolSeriesIndexRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolSeriesIndexV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolSeriesLandingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolSeriesPricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolSeriesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolSpotPriceRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolTypeExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolTypeExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolUpdateCustomerAccessCountsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolViewDetailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolViewItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolViewItemRequestV2 | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolWhitmanExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolWhitmanNickelsExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingToolWhitmanTypeExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PricingUpdatedRecordsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProcessLambdaSetTotalsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProcessLotRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProcessPricingFormulasUpdateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProcessRecurringChargesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductCategoriesListForWebRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductCategoryForWebRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductCategoryImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductCategoryImageUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductCategoryLinkImageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductCategorySortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductPdfGetHistoricalRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductPdfGetLatestRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductPdfGetLatestV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductPdfGetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductPdfRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ProductPurchaseReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductPurchaseReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ProductRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ProductSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
PublicationCoversRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenAuditDataSyncRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenDeleteBlogData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenDeleteHistoricalData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenDeletePricingData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenFixHistoricalPricingData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenIncrementalSyncBlogData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenIncrementalSyncHistoricalPricingData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenIncrementalSyncPricingData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenSyncBlogData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenSyncCatalogData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenSyncHistoricalData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RavenSyncPricingData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ReassignSubscriptionSeatRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RecentLoginsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RecurringBillingReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RecurringBillingReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RefundReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RefundReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RefundRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
RemoveFromEmailListRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RenewalReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RenewalReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ResetInactiveUnRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
RetailPricingV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesByProductReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesByProductReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesSourceRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesTaxReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SalesTaxReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SaveBlogImagesLocallyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SendDailyStatusEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SendRecurringBillingReminderEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SendRecurringBillingReminderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SendRegistrationVerificationEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetActiveCouponRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetCustomerActiveSubsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetCustPermalinksRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetDealerActiveSubsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetItemsRemainingZeroRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetKlaviyoActiveSubsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetKlaviyoAddOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetKlaviyoCustomPropsDbRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetKlaviyoCustomPropsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetKlaviyoRenewOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetKlaviyoSyncOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetPostTagsAndCatsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SetPricingHistorySnapshotDateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SimpleRegisterCustomerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
SpecialCollectionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
SpecialCollectionSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SpecificSnapshotExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
SpecificSnapshotTypeExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SpecificSnapshotTypeExportV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SqsSendMessageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionCancelRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionDoNotMailToggle | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionEditRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionIssueExceptionReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionIssueExceptionReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionIssueNowRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
SubscriptionSeatRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
SubscriptionsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionsReportForMarketingCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SubscriptionUpdateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SuspendOrderItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SyncCatalogData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SyncCatalogDataFull | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SyncCdnxDirtyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
SyncTrackAndPriceDataRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestCdnxSync | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestCustomerSetKlayvioSubscriptionProps | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestDefaultEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestIssuesRemainLogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
TestKlaviyo | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestManyToManyRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestMobileEmailSendRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestRavenCloud | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestRefFormulaRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestSendEmail | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestSetCalcRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestSpotPriceWide | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestStrongPasswords | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestWithDataEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TestWpContentConversionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ToggleCcFraudulentRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseAprSearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseCollectibleAutoRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseCollectibleRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseDealerSearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseGetByIdRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseNewsSearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseNewsV2SearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSensePricingDataSyncRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSearchRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncAllCatalogsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncAllPricingRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncCatalogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncCensusRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncDealerDirectoryData | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncMarketplaceEbayRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncMarketplaceRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncNewsV2Data | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
TypeSenseSyncUsCurrencyCDNXRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UnDeleteSpecialCollectionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UnSuspendOrderItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdateCustomerApiUsageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdateCustomerIssues | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdateIssuesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdateMailChimpListStatusRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdatePricingHighLowRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdatePricingPrevValueRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdateSortPathRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UpdateSpotPricesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UsernameExistRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UspsInvalidReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
UspsInvalidReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
VerifyCouponRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
VerifyRegistrationEmailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ViewCountsBlogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ViewCountsEventRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ViewCountsWebPagesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
ViewDetailRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
ViewItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebAdRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebAdsSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebAdUpdateClicksRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebAdUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebAdUpdateViewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebCancelRecurringSubscriptionRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebCouponConsumptionDetailReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebCouponConsumptionDetailReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebCouponConsumptionReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebCouponConsumptionReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebCouponRedemptionRequests | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebCouponRequests | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebHeroBannerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebHeroBannerUpdateClicksRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHeroBannerUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHeroBannerUpdateViewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomeBannerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebHomeBannerSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomeBannerUndeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomeBannerUpdateClicksRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomeBannerUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomeBannerUpdateViewsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomePageRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomePageVideoRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebHomePageVideoSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebHomePageVideoUnDeleteRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebMarketplaceContentRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebMarketplaceContentSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebOrderFinalizeRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebOrderFinalizeRequestV2 | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebPageCountsReportChartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebPageCountsReportCsvRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebPageCountsReportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebPasswordResetCheckRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebPasswordResetCommitRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebPasswordResetRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebPublicationCoversRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebPublicationCoversV2Request | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebRedBannerRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebRedBannerUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebShoppingCartAddItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebShoppingCartClearRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebShoppingCartRemoveItemRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebShoppingCartRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebShoppingCartUpdateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebShoppingCartUpdLoginRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebsiteBlogRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebsiteHomeContentRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebsiteHomeStatsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WebsiteTagsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebTeamMemberRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WebTeamMemberUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WPMCatalogMasterExportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WPMCatalogMasterImportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WPMCountriesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WPMGetAuctionsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WPMGetPickNumbersByCountryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
WPMSpreadsheetImportRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
WPMStatsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XAuctionHouseMappingsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XBettyRoleRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XCatalogApiRoleRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XCategoriesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XCategoriesUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XCdnUserRoleFeatureRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XCdnUserRoleFeatureSortOrderRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XCountryRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XCustomerRolesRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XProductCategoryFeatureRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XProductCategoryFeatureUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XPublicationTagsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XPublicationTagsUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XSpotPriceRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XStateRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |
XTagsRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP+1.1 | SOAP+1.2 |
XTagsUpdateSortRequest | XML | JSON | JSV | CSV | SOAP 1.1 | SOAP 1.2 |